4 Confusing Questions about PIP After an Accident in Florida

Car accidents in Florida that have negligence as a primary factor in the cause of the accident should all be evaluated with regards to personal injury protection insurance or also known as PIP in Florida.
Many people are often not clear about what PIP stands for and how this impacts which insurance company is responsible for paying out benefits after an accident.
Read on to learn more about PIP insurance in Florida and what role it plays in your personal injury claim.
1. Why is PIP So Important in Florida?
Florida is frequently referred to as a no-fault state. In the state of Florida individuals who operate vehicles are responsible for maintaining PIP insurance of at least $10,000. In the event that you are involved in an accident, PIP benefits are exercised via payments from your insurance carrier.
2. Does PIP Always Pay?
These benefits are paid out whether or not you were the cause of the accident. This is why Florida can be referred to as a no-fault insurance state. PIP insurance will pay up to $10,000 with the guidelines being that they will cover 60% of your lost wages and 80% of your medical bills.
Your personal injury protection coverage expands to any accidents involving a vehicle even if you are a pedestrian or a cyclist hit by another vehicle. PIP insurance does provide important protection so that you have peace of mind about some of the bills that need to be paid if you’re in an accident, but it may not be enough to protect you.
Visit here to learn more about pedestrian accidents here.
3. What Happens When PIP is Not Enough?
Unfortunately, in many serious car accidents in Florida PIP is not enough to cover all of the medical bills associated with your accident. This is why it may still be important to identify the at-fault party and go after him or her in a personal injury lawsuit.
The damage in a traditional car accident in Florida can hurt far more than your car. In fact, as the victim of the accident you may be paying the highest price in terms of your lost wages, medical bills and other expenses associated with the accident.
Furthermore, major conditions such as a traumatic brain injury, for example, will frequently require months or years of treatment that may go beyond what your PIP protection is prepared to cover.
Read more about PIP laws in Florida here.
4. How Can a Boca Raton Car Accident Attorney Help Me?
The other party and his or her insurance company may argue that the injuries you claim are not as serious as you portray them to be. In any case, going through this situation can be extremely difficult and frustrating especially since you are the one living with the aftermath of an accident caused by somebody else.
The other driver and representatives from his or her insurance company might even try to talk you into a settlement. You should never sign anything or agree to any settlement without first discussing it with your Boca Raton car accident attorney.
The reason for this is that you want to have peace of mind about the money you receive being enough to help you recover from your injuries.
If the other party offers you what seems like a fair settlement, contact your attorney to be sure that this is enough to support you now and in the future.
Medical bills for long-term issues associated with a car accident can be quite high, so make sure your attorney thinks it’s a fair offer before you accept.
In the event that you have exhausted your PIP benefits and are still concerned about being able to afford your current and future medical care, it is time to consult with a knowledgeable Boca Raton car accident attorney.
In the event that you have to fight for more damages to be awarded in your case, it is imperative that you have an experienced attorney helping you to do so.
The Value of the Right Attorney
Having an attorney who is committed to helping you carry the case through to completion and who is compassionate about your well-being can make a difficult situation a little bit easier to manage.
While your PIP may have been the foundation of providing for your care after an accident, it may not be enough to sustain you through the remainder of your treatment.
But have no fear because a knowledgeable Boca Raton car accident lawyer will analyze all of the elements of your case and determine the best way to present it to the court to fight for more compensation for you.
Don’t Pay the Price – Consult with a Boca Raton Car Accident Attorney
Although no one should ever have to pay the price for another driver’s negligence or recklessness behind the wheel, you may have recourse for additional compensation beyond your Florida personal injury protection benefits if your injuries are severe. Do not hesitate to get advice from an attorney as soon as possible if you find yourself in this situation.
Visit here to learn more about working with a Boca Raton car accident attorney.
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7 Facts About Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance in Florida