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8 Facts about Boca Raton Pedestrian Accidents

Over the years, the number of car accidents has actually gone down. This is great news, but it is only half of the total picture. When it comes to pedestrians, fatal traffic accidents have increased significantly, especially in Florida.

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, or you have lost a loved one in a vehicle accident involving a pedestrian, don’t hesitate to contact a Boca Raton pedestrian accident lawyer.

You have important legal rights. Protect your right to receive compensation and justice for your injuries by speaking to a knowledgeable pedestrian accident attorney as soon as possible.

Eight Sobering Stats about Pedestrian Accidents

The number of car accidents has decreased, but there are still over 10 million motor vehicle accidents every year. For this reason, the majority of traffic accident information tends to center around car and truck crashes—with pedestrian accidents occasionally being overlooked simply because there aren’t as many of them.

However, researchers have taken notice of the dramatic increase in pedestrian crashes. The jump in fatal pedestrian accidents has prompted safety experts and government agencies to take a hard look at what is behind this upward trend.

Several studies aim to identify exactly why more pedestrians are being hurt and killed. Here are eight startling facts you should know:

  • Almost 5,000 pedestrian deaths. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were over 4,700 fatal pedestrian accidents in 2013.

  • 66,000 pedestrian injuries. In 2013, there were an estimated 66,000 pedestrian injuries caused by vehicle collisions.

  • One death every two hours. On average, a pedestrian is killed in a car crash every two hours.

  • An injury every eight minutes. Every eight minutes, a pedestrian is injured in a traffic collision.

  • 10 percent increase in fatal accidents. In 2015, pedestrian deaths jumped by 10 percent compared to the previous year.

  • Biggest increase in recorded history. The recent increase in fatal pedestrian accidents represents the largest increase since the government began tracking pedestrian deaths in 1975.

  • Florida one of the highest rates of pedestrian deaths. Florida is one of four states that together account for 42 percent of all pedestrian deaths in the country.

  • Biggest ratio of deaths per 100,000 residents. Florida has the highest number of pedestrian deaths per 100,000 people than any other state. In 2015, there were 1.35 pedestrian deaths per 100,000 residents in Florida.

Researchers point to several reasons for the increase in serious and fatal pedestrian accidents in Boca Raton and other areas. As more motorists drive distracted by texting and talking on the phone behind the wheel, they are less likely to see a pedestrian stepping into the street.

Likewise, distracted walking can be just as dangerous. Pedestrians who text or list to music through headphones while walking put themselves at risk of being hurt in a traffic accident. A recovering economy and lower gas prices have also been identified as possible causes of the jump in pedestrian collisions.

Were You Injured in a Pedestrian Accident?

Pedestrian accidents are so dangerous because the human body is simply no match for a car. Pedestrians are vulnerable every time they step into the street, and sometimes even on the sidewalk or designated pedestrian paths.

Consult with Florida Pedestrian Accident Attorney Today

If you have been hurt in an accident as a pedestrian, or you have lost a loved one in a pedestrian crash, call a Boca Raton pedestrian accident lawyer as soon as possible.

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