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Avoiding Car Accidents


An unfortunate reality of getting behind the wheel of a car these days is that we all know there is risk involved and that an accident can result. We also all know we would like to do our best to avoid one. While every accident isn’t avoidable, the good news is that there are things every driver can do to help reduce the risk of an accident occurring.

How Can Car Accidents Be Avoided?

  • Don’t drive distracted. Avoid distracting activities while driving such as texting, talking on the phone, changing the radio, applying makeup, eating, or anything else that clearly takes your attention off the road.
  • Avoid fatigued driving. Unfortunately, statistics published by the National Safety Council indicate that drivers are actually three times more likely to be in a car crash if fatigued.
  • Follow road rules. Stop at red lights and stop signs, adhere to posted speed limits, slow down at crosswalks and otherwise follow the rules of the road.
  • Never drive impaired. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 30 people die every day in crashes that involve a driver impaired by alcohol. This grim number does not include crashes caused by drivers impaired by prescription medicines and other drugs, and would likely be even substantially higher.
  • Pay attention to road conditions. Be especially careful on sharp curves and turns and steep inclines and stay aware of the dangers caused by soft shoulders and potholes.
  • Check the weather. We all know that the weather can change quickly here in Florida. Always check the forecast before heading out. That way, you can stay off the road if you know that poor weather such as heavy storms is headed your way.
  • Stay up-to-date on car maintenance. Make sure you regularly take care of the basics such as oil changes, tire rotations, and windshield wiper replacements. Additionally, even if you can take care of some things yourself, have your car serviced by a mechanic you trust every so often to keep up with any latent dangers.

What Should You Do if You Are Involved in an Accident?

Despite your best efforts to avoid one, unfortunately, the day may come when you find yourself involved in a car accident. In that case, you should proceed cautiously in the behaviors you undertake next. It is imperative that you take care not to say or do anything at the scene of the accident that could later be interpreted incorrectly by adverse parties. Regardless of whether you are immediately aware of personal injuries, undertake these steps:

  • Do not admit fault
  • Immediately contact law enforcement officials
  • If you can do so safely, take photos of the scene of the accident and record scene with your smartphone video camera
  • Seek medical treatment as soon as possible even if you think your injuries are minor

Have You Been Injured? Turn to Us.

As the experienced South Florida personal injury attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez, we offer a compassionate legal team who will advocate for you. We are skilled and experienced personal injury lawyers who represent clients every day in personal injury claims. We have helped many car accident victims in situations like yours during our decades of combined legal experience and we offer the legal help you need. Contact us today for help and we can begin helping you understand your next steps in lieu of the facts of your individual case.

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