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Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

motorcycle accidentA motorcycle accident is likely to occur more often than a car accident, simply because of the inherent danger riding one creates. Motorcycles lack the same safety features of a car, including air bags, which means accidents on these bikes are much more devastating.

Car and truck drivers alike do not see motorcycle riders as easily as they should, and most do not even look for them on the road. It is not uncommon for a motorcycle rider to encounter bullying from vehicles and trucks who feel they shouldn’t share the road with people on bikes. Also, hazardous weather or even poor road conditions can lead to fatal crashes.

Leifer & Ramirez representing injured motorcyclists and their families in personal injury and wrongful death claims. If you have been involved in an accident while driving motorcycle and don’t know what to do, call our Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyers now at 561-660-9421, when you call us you will also get free case reviews with an expert attorney.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

There are a few reasons a motorcyclist may find themselves in an accident, but the most common include:

  • Lack of riding skills and/or experience
  • Failure to appreciate the operations of the bike
  • Unable to understand the limitations of the motorcycle
  • Failure to use precaution while driving
  • Failure to use defensive driving
  • Lack of cornering or braking capabilities
  • Head-on collisions with vehicles
  • Speeding
  • Cars or trucks not looking out for motorcycles
  • Lane splitting
  • Hitting fixed objects
  • Operating a motorcycle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Road hazards

Not all motorcycle accidents are caused by driver negligence as sometimes the motorcyclist is to blame. But, the driver of the other vehicle involved could be partially at fault even if they didn’t impact the motorcycle.

What are the Most Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

  • Head Injuries – It is not uncommon for motorcycle riders to suffer from head injuries. Even riders that choose to wear helmets may suffer from concussions or serious trauma. Wearing a helmet does dramatically reduce the risk for permanent brain damage or death. But, riders may still encounter facial scars – depending on the type of helmet they are wearing.

  • Spinal Cord Injuries – The impact of the ground or vehicle can damage a rider’s spinal column, which may lead to nerve pain, difficulty maintaining balance or even permanent paralysis.

  • Paralysis – It is not uncommon for motorcycle riders to suffer from temporary or permanent paralysis after an accident. Because spinal cord and brain injuries are so common and the impacts so severe, a person could suffer from generalized paralysis, localized paralysis and more.

  • Brain Injuries –Traumatic brain injuries, also referred to as TBI, are common in motorcycle accidents. TBI may not show right away either – and for some people, the symptoms come later. These symptoms can include:

    • Headaches
    • Difficulty balancing
    • Coordination issues
    • Seizures
    • Unexplained migraines
    • Unexplained mood changes
    • Dizziness

People with TBI are ticking time bombs. If they are not diagnosed and treated in a timely matter, they could suffer from complications that are more serious.

  • Soft Tissue Injuries – For minor motorcycle accidents, riders may still suffer from soft tissue injuries. These are injuries to the tendons, ligaments, and muscles and can include:

    • Sprains
    • Strains
    • Neck injuries
    • Whiplash
    • A sore neck
    • Shoulder pain
  • Chest Injuries –Chest injuries are the second leading cause of death in motorcycle accidents, because often these chest injuries are paired with the rider being pinned underneath their bike or another object.

  • Fractures and Broken Bones – The impact of the ground or another vehicle will undoubtedly leave the rider with a few fractures or broken bones. While these can range from minor to severe – some will require pins and other surgical procedures to help them heal properly.

  • Road Rash – Road rash is a sliding injury that is very common in motorcycle injuries. When the rider’s bike and body hit the ground, they still have some momentum, which pushes them across the asphalt. This can lead to serious skin lacerations. Some bikers even need skin grafts to recover.

  • Burns – A motorcycle rider can suffer from burns when his or her motorcycle catches fire or their skin meets an exhaust pipe.

  • Lacerations and Cuts – A rider, at the very least, will have cuts and lacerations post-accident. These can be minor or so severe that they require stitches. While cuts and lacerations may not seem like a big deal, they often can lead to life-threatening infections.

  • Scars – Most riders who have been in a motorcycle accident will have a few scars to show for it. Whether these scars are visible or not, they may be permanently disfiguring for some.

How Much is Your Motorcycle Accident Injury Worth?

At Leifer & Ramirez, we know you have a lot of medical costs and other losses to think about. It is only natural to wonder how much your injury is worth. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all compensation chart. Instead, our attorneys take into account the severity of the injury (or injuries), how much treatment you have had, the amount of treatment you need in the future, and how those injuries affects the rest of your life. Some things we may be able to get you compensation for include:

  • Current and Future Medical Costs
  • Lost Wages
  • Property Damage
  • Loss of Future Earnings
  • Pain and Suffering

As always, if you or a loved one was injured in a motorcycle accident, do not wait to contact a personal injury lawyer. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can help you calculate how much compensation you deserve for your motorcycle injuries and get you a fair settlement.

Motorcycle Injuries are More Severe than Car Accident Injuries

Because a motorcycle doesn’t offer any protection for its rider, the accident often results in much more serious injuries. These injuries can even be life-threatening.

There are plenty of riders in Florida who choose to not wear a helmet, so it is no surprise that brain injuries are common with motorcycle accidents.

Some other common motorcycle injuries include:

  • Brain damage
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Head injuries
  • Facial disfigurement or fractures
  • Road rash
  • Burns
  • Paralysis
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Bruises
  • Loss of limbs
  • Pelvic damage
  • Internal organ damage
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Death

What to do After a Motorcycle Accident

After an accident, you may find yourself confused about your rights or unsure what you should do. Most likely you will be dealing with extensive (and very costly) medical treatments and even surgeries to recover.

You most likely will suffer from some sort of head injury, which could be permanently disabling. In severe cases, you could suffer from brain injuries that leave you permanently disabled or may even leave a victim in a life-long critical state.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a bike accident, you need to act just as you would after any other type of accident.

  • If you are able to get up, check on other accident victims and make sure everyone is safe.
  • Get yourself to safety and notify the authorities. Whatever you do, try to get away from the road, if at all possible.
  • Assess your own injuries and go to the hospital if emergency personnel require you to.
  • Seek medical attention right away for your injuries.
  • Report the accident to your motorcycle insurance carrier as soon as you can or have a loved one do it for you.
  • Contact a motorcycle injury attorney.

Motorcycle injuries are catastrophic. Most people who survive usually endure a long road to recovery. They may need rehabilitation, physical therapy, multiple surgeries and they may be disabled. Not only will you miss work now, but you could miss work in the future or never be able to work again because of your injuries.

Essential Motorcycle Safety Tips for Florida Motorcycle Riders

As a motorcycle rider, you are at risk for serious, if not fatal, injuries. While you cannot control other drivers on the road, there are things you can do to limit your risk. One of the most important is being aware of what causes motorcycle accidents in Florida, which include:

  • Visibility Issues – Motorcycle accidents often occur in Florida because the car or truck driver didn’t realize there was a bike rider there. Motorcycles are much smaller than vehicles; therefore, it is hard for them to stay out of a vehicle’s blind spot. By using your headlights, you may be able to increase your visibility even during the day.

  • Inexperienced Riders – Many motorcycle riders do not have the experience they think they do. Most do not realize how quickly they need to maneuver in traffic and they also do not realize the limitations of their bikes. It is best to hone your abilities and not venture into conditions you are not yet experienced to ride in, such as riding on the freeway after only riding for a few days.

  • Driving under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol – Just as with motor vehicles, riders should never get on their motorcycle while impaired. Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol could make it difficult to react properly in certain riding situations, reduce your attentiveness, and lead to extreme accidents.

  • Speeding – Motorcycle riders should never speed. As a rider, you are responsible for following the rules of the road just like cars; therefore, look out for posted speed limit signs and adhere to them. Speeding is one of the most common reasons motorcycle riders lose control of their bikes and crash.

  • Lane Changing – When you go to change a lane, always be on the lookout for cars. Cars never look for motorcycles; therefore, they may not see you changing lanes. Signal before changing a lane and if you can, and make eye contact with the driver alongside you so they know you are changing lanes, too.

  • Road Conditions – Motorcycles do not have the same tractions as motor vehicles; therefore, they shouldn’t be treated as the same. If you have limited riding experience, do not ride on roads with debris, under construction, etc. All it takes is a small inconsistency in the road to make you lose control of your bike.

  • Tailgating – You should never tailgate – whether you are in a car or riding a motorcycle. Tailgating puts you at risk for injury and if you were to rear end the vehicle in front of you, you could be thrown from your bike. If a car is tailgating you, move over to the next lane so they can pass rather than risk having them rear-end you on your bike.

Hire Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, there are steps you must take to get justice. In order to receive compensation, you will need to prove the person who caused the accident was negligent. First, you should contact an experienced Florida motorcycle accident attorney who specializes in motorcycle crash cases. The lawyer will discuss the case with you, gather evidence, and help you understand your rights to compensation. Next, the legal team will work with you and insurance companies to come to a settlement. If a settlement cannot be reached, the attorney may sue the negligent driver in civil court to get the compensation you need.

If you or a loved one has been injured, contact Boca Raton motorcycle accident lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez. We offer free consultations and can help you with your motorcycle accident case in Boca Raton and all of Florida. There is no obligation for meeting with us and you do not pay unless we win your settlement.

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