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Boca Raton Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer

The horror stories are all over the news about how nursing home patients have been neglected and left to get sicker or worse, die. From massive bedsores to hygiene issues, the way some nursing homes treat their clients is disgusting and unacceptable. But, it happens to hundreds of thousands of Americans each year. These nursing homes that offer little to no care while collecting monthly checks from paying clients must be stopped, contact our experienced Boca Raton nursing home neglect lawyers today.

Neglectful Nursing Homes: All about Profit, Not People

There is one common thing all neglectful nursing homes have in common: greed. The money they earn from clients goes into owners’ pockets, not to the patients. They are able to charge outrageous fees because of the limited number of beds in nursing homes, but then they cut costs on essential care items like:

  • Employee background checks
  • Employee training
  • Sanitization
  • Number of care workers to patients
  • Patient materials and even bedding
  • Number of registered nurses
  • Medications

Regardless how much you paid for nursing home care for your loved one, you paid for a service. You paid a professional to take care of your loved one when you could no longer do so yourself. The fact that they failed to take care of that individual as part of a service is reason enough to take legal action.

Nursing Home Patients Deserve Respect

Regardless of why a patient is in a nursing home, they demand respect and attention from their caretakers. Most patients are frail, vulnerable, and reliant upon those taking care of them. Bed-ridden patients can easily develop bedsores and deadly infections if they are not properly taken care of, and patients who receive the wrong type of medication or not enough could have fatal results.

Common Examples of Nursing Home Neglect

There are numerous ways a company could be guilty of nursing home neglect. But, the keyword is negligence. Because a facility chooses to be negligent, they are responsible for any injuries and losses that occur. For your neglect case, you may be able to recover compensation not only for the service fees you paid, but for:

  • Additional medical costs your loved one will face to recover
  • The emotional and physical trauma your loved one endured
  • Funeral and burial expenses (if a wrongful death occurs)

Neglect is any time a caregiver fails to provide necessary care or the care that they were commissioned to do. These can include:

  • Not providing patients with medication
  • Failing to feed or hydrate patients
  • Not turning bed-ridden patients
  • Not treating bedsores to prevent infection
  • Failing to get medical attention when it is required
  • Failing to recognize a decline in health
  • Failing to provide a safe living environment for the patient
  • Not keeping up the patient’s personal hygiene

Lawsuits Improve Nursing Home Care for Others

While there is no amount of money that can ever make up for the pain and suffering one endures in these types of cases, the attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez feel that you deserve enough compensation to cover your losses and then some. Our attorneys pride ourselves on offering our clients a personal service with upfront communication. Most importantly, we take these cases seriously because a successful lawsuit can help others. Not only does it bring to light potential neglect or abuse at a facility, but it involves police and other health authorities to investigate and create stricter standards. Your case may eliminate any risk for future patients at the same facility – and hopefully, better America’s nursing home system as a whole.

Contact our Boca Raton Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers Now for a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one was the victim of nursing home neglect, exercise your right to collect compensation. The attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez are here to help you and your loved ones recover. We will aggressively represent your right to compensation and we will not rest until these neglectful nursing homes are held accountable for their actions. We offer free case evaluations and we can meet with you anywhere it is convenient.

Meet with us today and see our unwavering commitment to our clients’ recovery and serving their needs. Call now to schedule your no obligation, free consultation with a Boca Raton nursing home neglect lawyer at Leifer & Ramirez today.

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