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Boynton Beach Failure To Diagnose Lawyer

There are many types of medical malpractice cases. But the most common is claims arising from a failure to diagnose a patient’s condition or disease. This isn’t quite the same thing as a misdiagnosis–i.e., identifying the wrong disease or condition–but it often results from a similar degree of professional negligence. And if you or a family member have been harmed by such a failure to diagnose, you have the right to take legal action against the negligent healthcare provider.

At Leifer & Ramirez, our qualified Boynton Beach failure to diagnose lawyers know how to handle these types of cases. We understand that not every failure to diagnose situation is necessarily medical malpractice. That is why we will carefully review the specific facts of your case and provide you with independent, professional legal advice about your options for seeking compensation.

What Is Considered a “Failure to Diagnose”?

A failure to diagnose occurs whenever a physician misses a connection between a patient’s symptoms and diagnostic test results and the responsible medical condition. In many cases the provider–or perhaps another doctor called in to give a “second opinion”–will make the correct diagnosis sometime later. But even a delayed diagnosis can prove equally harmful to the patient. Any delay or failure to diagnose means the patient is not receiving the proper treatment for their illness or condition. Some of the more common cases of failure to diagnose that we see at Leifer & Ramirez include cancer, serious allergic reactions, stroke, diabetes, Lyme disease and other parasitic infections, and meningitis.

What Are the Consequences of a Failure to Diagnose?

The consequences of a failure to diagnose will obviously depend on the nature of the patient’s medical condition and the length of time elapsed before the error is discovered. But as with any kind of personal injury case based on negligence, victims are entitled to seek compensation for the total sum of their damages, which may include:

  • The cost of any additional medical treatments.For instance, if a doctor fails to detect a cancer in its early stages, the patient may require more extensive treatment–such as surgery or chemotherapy–if they only learn of their condition at a later stage.

  • Permanent injuries to the patient.One of the more common instances of failure to diagnose involve patient infections. While this may not sound serious, consider an untreated infection can rapidly spread and cause permanent damage, such as the loss of limb to amputation.

  • Economic losses– A delayed diagnosis often means the patient suffers lost income due to the additional time required to receive proper medical treatment. The negligent healthcare provider may consequently be held responsible for the patient’s lost wages.

  • Wrongful death– In the most serious cases, a failure to diagnose is never corrected and the patient dies as a result. When this happens, the patient’s estate and family members may seek compensation for their losses.

Call the Medical Malpractice Lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez Today

Once again, it is important to emphasize that not every instance of failure to diagnose is legally considered malpractice. Indeed, medical malpractice cases often comprise the most complex type of personal injury claim to prove. This is why you need an experienced Boynton Beach failure to diagnose lawyer by your side. Contact Leifer & Ramirez today if you or a family member have suffered due to a medical provider’s negligence.

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