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Burn Injuries: Causes and Treatment


Many fire victims have suffered burn injuries to some degree. While many burns are minor, requiring topical creams and painkillers, some require more advanced care in a hospital or burn center.

A burn does not solely cause scarring or disfigurement to the skin. Burns can also cause nerve damage and infections. Your organs, such as brain, eyes and lungs, can suffer smoke damage. In severe cases, you may lose your limbs or experience a loss in motor functions.

Many burns are caused by someone else’s negligence. If you were burned in a fire or through some chemical contact, it is possible that a third party is responsible for your injuries. Because of this, it is always a good idea to consult with a personal injury lawyer to determine if anyone can be held liable for your damages.

Causes of Burn Injuries 

While burns tend to happen in the home through cooking accidents or fires started by fireplaces and unattended candles, they can happen in other situations as well. Burns often occur in car accidents when the impact causes a car to catch fire. A defective product can also cause burns.

Burns can also happen in the workplace. They may occur on construction sites or in factories. They can be caused by fires or chemicals. Gas explosions can also cause serious injuries such as burns. 

Treatment for Burn Injuries 

The severity of your burn injuries will determine the treatment. For minor burns, the first step is to keep the burned area cool. Put the area under cool water or place a wet compress on the affected area. Do not use ice.

Apply an aloe vera-based lotion on the burn and bandage it with sterile gauze. If it hurts, take a pain reliever. The burn should heal within a few weeks.

For major burns, more intensive treatment will be needed. Treatment may involve medications, physical therapy, surgery and wound dressings. The goals will be to remove dead tissue, alleviate pain and prevent infection and scarring. Sometimes a person will require specialized treatment at a burn center.

IV fluids may be needed to prevent dehydration. Water-based treatments can keep the tissue clean and free of infection. Dressings will be used to cover the affected area and keep it clean. Burn creams will also help prevent infection while helping the wound to close.

As your wound heals, it will be painful. Your doctor will prescribe painkillers and anti-anxiety medications. Physical therapy may be needed to help you regain function of limbs. 

Seek Legal Help Today

A burn injury can cause long-term and even lifelong consequences. A severe burn can cause scarring, nerve damage and even limb loss. Prompt treatment is necessary to save your body from the harmful effects.

If a third party was responsible for your burn injury, it is important that you hold them liable. The  South Florida burn injury attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez can help you obtain compensation for the damages you have suffered. Schedule a free consultation today. Call our office at 561-660-9421 or fill out the online form.


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