Category Archives: Personal Injury Attorneys
Understanding Long-Term Care After an Accident Injury
It is estimated by experts that approximately 60 percent of the entire population will require long-term care at some point during their life. The need for this care can be the result of a sudden health condition or due to an accident injury. It may even be the result of the gradual decline that… Read More »
Shocking Statistics about Slip and Fall Accidents
Unfortunately, a slip and fall accident can occur at any time, in any location. In some cases, the incident is the fault of the victim. They were unaware of signage indicating a potential hazard. However, in other situations, the fault lies with the property owner. However, slip and fall accidents don’t just occur to… Read More »
How Safe is Driving in Palm Beach County
Palm Beach County is one of the largest counties in the state of Florida. With more than 1,131,000 residents, roads are often congested, which can lead to more car accidents and injuries on the roadways. If you are wondering just how safe it is to drive on Palm Beach County roadways, consider the information… Read More »
The Ins and Outs of Burn Injury Cases
Being injured on the job or at home can be a very troubling experience. According the American Burn Association, nearly 486,000 are treated for burn-related injuries each year. Regardless of where burn accidents happen, the injuries that result can put a person on the sideline for a long time. Explosions, fires and chemicals are… Read More »
Are Parents Liable for Accidents Caused by Their Minor Children?
In Florida, a teenager can obtain a Learner’s or Restricted Driver’s License at the age of 15 and an unrestricted one from age 16. So, it’s probably not surprising that every once in a while, there’s a news report of a teen who took their parents’ car (often without their permission) and was subsequently… Read More »

Were You Injured by a Drunk Driver?
According to MADD, someone in America is killed by a drunk driver every 53 minutes. Every two minutes, someone is injured. In Florida, drunk driving currently causes 28 percent of all traffic fatalities. These figures are a stark reminder of how a negligent person can hurt innocent people and cause devastation on the roads…. Read More »

Top 5 Most Dangerous Motorcycle Injuries
Boca Raton Attorneys for Dangerous Motorcycle Injuries Claim Did you know that more than 80 percent of all reported motorcycle accidents end in either injury or death? This percentage is huge compared to cars and trucks. The major difference is obviously that motorcycles offer very little protection between the driver or passenger and the… Read More »