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Most Common Causes of Florida Auto Accidents

The NHTSA keeps statistics for every state when it comes to the number of accidents and fatalities involving automobiles. In their most recent report comparing the number of fatalities in the state of Florida, the news was not very encouraging. The latest report on 2015 car accidents in Florida had fatalities at 14.50 for every 100,000 in population, compared to the national average of 10.42 per 100,000 people.

That was also an increase over the previous year, and the NHTSA has looked into what has caused the numbers of fatal accidents in Florida to climb. They list the most dangerous actions by drivers under the heading of Risky Driving. These actions are as follows:

Drunk Driving – Still a dangerous a problem in Florida, although fatalities due to this have seen some decline by about a third in the last three decades.

Distracted Driving – Unfortunately, this problem is increasing in Florida – thanks to increased cell phone use for social media outlets. Eating, drinking, and talking also come into play.

Drowsy Driving – A problem for those working long hours with long commutes or just not taking good enough care to get the proper rest before heading out on the road.

Seat Belt – It’s not using a seat belt that the NHTSA is referring to here.

Drugged Driving – Another problem involving both illegal drugs and those that are prescribed. Current laws regarding legal marijuana use and the over-prescription of opioids and mood enhancers may combine with alcohol use to make for very dangerous driving conditions for all Floridians.

Speeding – This problem, like drunk driving, continues to plague highways and contributes to too many unnecessary deaths and injuries.

Careless Driving – In the state of Florida, the DMV cites careless driving as the number one cause of accidents overall. Lack of attention to road signs and not anticipating turns and road hazards sometimes goes hand in hand with speeding – and also driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The facts are undeniable that these actions must be curtailed in order to increase the public’s overall safety. Another fact is that statistically younger drivers, with less experience behind the wheel, are already at risk to be involved in an accident and are unfortunately more prone to distracted driving.

The fatalities are, of course, the worst part of the picture, but accidents caused by risky driving behaviors can have other serious consequences as well. These habits behind the wheel account for millions of dollars in auto repairs and medical bills in non-fatal accidents.

Other Causes of Car Accidents

There are other problems on the roads today besides those discussed above. Poor vehicle maintenance may lead to issues, like not being able to brake the car fast enough or something as simple as not changing the windshield wipers causing poor visibility. Failure to replace lights creates a danger for the driver and for others who may not see the car as easily in the dark. These problems are all potential accidents waiting to happen and may all be contributing factors to the climbing accident and fatality rates on Florida roadways.

When you are involved in an auto accident, you need an experienced Florida car accident attorney on your side. Accidents can take people away from their loved ones, their jobs, and their everyday activities causing pain, depression and financial hardship. If you think a risky driving behavior is the cause of your auto accident, contact Leifer & Ramirez today so our attorneys can review your case and take the necessary steps to get you on the road to recovery.

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