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Deerfield Beach Sports Injury Lawyer

Sports injuries can range in severity and can be as minor as a scraped knee or as serious as a spinal fracture. Chances are, if you are here in search of advice, yours or your loved one’s injury is not something as trivial as a scraped knee.

In addition to being painful, a sports injury can be life-changing, expensive, and even debilitating. No matter at what stage in life a person is, a serious sports injury can negatively impact one’s present and future. At Leifer & Ramirez, our goal is to help victims of sports accidents recover money to compensate them for their physical, emotional, and financial troubles. If you or a loved one was injured in a sports-related accident, reach out to our firm today to learn more about how our Deerfield Beach sports injury lawyers can help you.

Common Acts of Sports Negligence

Sports are inherently dangerous, especially those involving physical contact. For this reason, it is difficult to blame another person’s negligence for an injury, as when one signs up for sports, he or she signs up with the knowledge that he or she may or may not get hurt. That said, there are a few rare instances in which another person or entity may be held liable for a player’s injury. These possibly negligent parties include the following:

  • Sports Leagues: Sports leagues can be held liable for failing to require or provide adequate safety equipment and/or medical attention to injured athletes. They have also been accountable when players are injured because dangerous conditions exist on the field or within a sports arena. In a few rare instances, leagues have been held liable for encouraging unnecessarily rough play for entertainment value.

  • Coaches: Coaches may be held accountable for allowing play that is too rough, pushing an athlete beyond his or her capabilities, failing to supervise young athletes, or pushing an injured player to return to the field before he or she is physically ready to do so.

  • Other Players: Other players may act negligently when they intentionally or recklessly injure another player during a game. Typically, in order for another player to be held liable, his or her actions must have been unnecessary and out of the scope of play.

  • Equipment Manufacturers: Like any other manufacturer, sports equipment manufacturers have a duty to manufacture equipment that is reasonably safe for its intended use. If a piece of equipment is faulty or defective in some way, and if a player sustains serious injuries because of it, the manufacturer may be held liable for injuries.

If you or a loved one sustained a sports-related injury, it is important that you discuss the circumstances leading up to the injury in depth with an experienced attorney. Our lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez can determine if your injury was caused by negligence and, if so, build a case to prove it.

Types of Sports-Related Injuries

Depending on the nature of the sport, sports-related injuries can be as minor as a broken tooth or as severe as a concussion and traumatic brain injury. Some of the more common types of sports injuries that we deal with at our Deerfield Beach law firm include the following:

  • Fractures;
  • Broken bones;
  • Knee injuries;
  • Dental injuries;
  • Internal bleeding;
  • Head injuries and concussions;
  • Brain injuries;
  • Internal bleeding;
  • Spinal fractures; and
  • Neck and back injuries.

Each of the aforementioned injuries has the potential to negatively impact one’s life. For this reason, if a party was negligent, the law allows the injured party to pursue a claim for compensation for damages.

Contact Our Deerfield Beach Law Firm Today

If you or a loved one was injured while playing sports, contact a Deerfield Beach sports injury lawyer right away.Call Leifer & Ramirez at 561-660-9421 or contact us online.

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