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Drowsy Driving to Blame for 1 of 5 Car Accidents

With more and more people skipping the recommended eight hours of sleep each night, drowsy driving is becoming more of an issue. In fact, it is now considered one of the leading causes of car accidents. Just missing a few hours of sleep at night can significantly increase the possibility that a drowsy driving accident will occur. These types of accidents can result in serious injuries and even fatalities.

If you are involved in a serious or fatal car accident, it is essential for you to contact an accident attorney so you can fully understand your rights and pursue compensation. A Florida car accident lawyer can help with any personal injury or wrongful death claim you have if you are injured in a drowsy driving accident.

Drowsy Driving Statistics

According to some studies, drowsy driving played a role in one out of every five accidents last year. It also had a role in accidents that resulted in serious injuries. A total of 328,000 accidents involved a fatigued driver, and 109,000 of these led to serious injuries while 6,400 resulted in fatalities.

This statistic isn’t too surprising when you consider the fact that a car accident is 1.9 times more likely for someone who has only slept between five and six hours at night, compared to someone who slept at least seven hours. In fact, the risk posed by someone with just five to six hours of sleep is equivalent to the dangers presented by drunk motorists.

The Importance of Adequate Sleep

According to experts, it is recommended that adults sleep between seven and nine hours each day; however, few actually meet this sleep goal. Between 18 to 35 percent of adults across the country get less than seven hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. Approximately 12 percent of adults sleep less than five hours every night and two percent of adults in the U.S. sleep for less than four hours at a time.

Any person who is sleep deprived may suffer certain limitations and impairments that impact their ability to drive safely. This results in around seven percent of all crashes having a vehicle towed from the scene involving a drowsy driver. Approximately 16 percent of the crashes that result in someone going to the hospital involve a tired motorist, and 16 to 21 percent of all fatal accidents involve someone suffering from driver fatigue.

Who’s At Risk?

Not all drivers face the same level of risk regarding drowsy driving. Men are twice as likely as women to be involved in these collisions. However, most of these crashes occur because a sleepy motorist has lost control of their vehicle and either went off the road or drifted into another lane.

If you, or someone you love, is ever involved in an accident with a drowsy driver, they should contact a personal injury attorney in Florida. More information about filing a lawsuit can be found by contact the lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez at 561-440-7691.

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