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Fall Driving Dangers and Tips to Help Keep You Safe


Autumn is a beautiful time of year. Even here in the Sunshine State where seasonal changes aren’t as physically obvious in many parts of the state as in some other parts of the country, we get into the spirit of pumpkin spice, apple cider, football season and all the other lovely aspects of autumn. But in addition to being the beginning of the upcoming holiday season, this time of year also represents a different set of challenges even for the most experienced of drivers.

Therefore, in addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery and lower temperatures, it is important that every driver understands the unique driving challenges of the season in order to help avoid becoming one of the almost 400,000 people involved in a car accident in Florida every year.

Beware of school-related traffic. The changing scenery and temperature aren’t the only changes this season. The increase of traffic resulting from students and teachers heading back to school creates additional potential for accidents involving pedestrians. Understand that there are more people on the road when driving during school hours. If possible, adjust your commute time to avoid school-related traffic.

Watch out for snowbirds. As we all know, Florida attracts many people from outside the state during the colder months. Whether these are first-time visitors or part-time residents who travel down every fall and winter to escape a colder climate back home, snowbirds represent a group of people who are less familiar with the roads. Give yourself extra time when driving in case you end up on the road behind someone who isn’t sure where he or she is going.

Understand the risks of night driving. Between upcoming holiday parties and football games, there are many reasons to be on the road at night during the fall. But according to the National Safety Council, the risk of a fatal crash is three times higher when driving at night. The implications of this higher crash risk are apparent as 50 percent of traffic deaths happen at night despite the fact that Americans only do one quarter of our driving in the dark.

Keep an eye out for critters. Fall is mating season for deer so they are especially active around this time of year. Be alert for deer and other wildlife darting across the road, particularly in the morning or at night. Also be especially cautious in areas where there are deer crossing signs. And keep in mind that deer travel in small packs so if you see one, you will likely see another.

Have You or a Loved One Been Injured This Fall?

By observing these fall driving tips, we can all strive to make sure that we safely enjoy this beautiful time of year. But unfortunately, no amount of safety tips will make every accident avoidable. Despite your best efforts to take precautions and be prepared when you drive this season, you can become a victim of someone else’s negligent driving. In the unfortunate event that you do get into a car crash this season, the South Florida car accident attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez are here to help. We offer over 30 years of combined experience helping people in similar situations put their lives back together. Begin by reaching out today.

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