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Fort Lauderdale Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

When we place our loved ones into a nursing home facility for their final stage of life, we entrust that facility to take the best possible care of them. However, some nursing homes violate that trust and abuse the elderly in their care. The Fort Lauderdale nursing home abuse lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez find nursing home abuse absolutely reprehensible and are dedicated to holding those responsible fully accountable for the harm they cause the victims and their families.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse of the elderly can take many forms, but at its core nursing home abuse is about committing harmful acts, as opposed to passive neglect, against the elderly. The National Center on Elder Abuse recognizes the following as forms of nursing home elder abuse:

Physical Abuse

Using some kind of physical force on an elderly person that results in harm, ongoing impairment, or physical pain. Examples include striking a person with a hand or object, shoving, shaking, burning, inappropriate drug usage, physical punishment, and force feeding.

Sexual Abuse

Non-consensual sexual activity with an elderly person. Any type of sexual contact without consent is considered sexual abuse. Examples include unwanted touching, sexual assault, coerced nudity, or taking pictures of an elderly person while nude.

Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Inflicting pain, anguish, or distress by verbal or nonverbal means. Examples of psychological abuse include insults, verbal assaults, humiliation, threats, and intimidation. Examples of emotional abuse include treating an elderly person like a child and isolating them from their friends and family.

Financial Abuse

Illegally or improperly using an elderly person’s assets or other property. Examples include forging a signature, taking cash or other property, stealing possessions, or coercing them to sign documents they don’t understand.

Signs of Abuse in Your Loved One

It is vitally important for family members of an elderly person in nursing home care to understand the signs of nursing home abuse. Signs of abuse differ depending on the type of abuse taking place, but all are equally important to understand. Signs of abuse can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Broken bones or bruising
  • Unexplained cuts or open wounds
  • Evidence of too much or little medication
  • Broken eyeglasses
  • Sudden changes in personality or behavior
  • Unexplained STDs or genital infections
  • Bruises or bleeding of the genitals
  • Becoming uncommunicative, unresponsive, or withdrawn
  • Agitation
  • Inclusion of nursing home staff’s name on bank card or account
  • Changes to legal documents
  • Disappearance of funds or possessions

Compensation for Nursing Home Abuse

When a nursing home facility is found guilty of abuse, compensation to the victim and their family can take many forms. Restitution can include repayment for stolen property or funds, current and future medical bills, mental health expenses, lost wages, lost interest on investments or profits, and physical rehabilitation expenses. In cases of particularly egregious abuse, the court may award attorneys’ fees and in cases where the abuse led to the death of a loved one the family may also file claims for wrongful death.

Our Office is Here to Help

If you believe that your family member is a victim of nursing home abuse you need an attorney right away. Call or contact us today to schedule a free review of your

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