How Can Passengers Help Drivers Avoid Car Accidents?

Driving has become so commonplace that many of us don’t give it much thought whatsoever before taking off for our destination. Statistics indicate that the overwhelming majority of American adults regularly drive a car or other vehicle, with 83 percent reporting they do so personally several times a week and well over 60 percent asserting that they drive every day. However, driving is also a potentially dangerous activity despite how common it has become. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have asserted that more than 32,000 people are killed and another 2 million people are injured on an annual basis in car accidents.
And while we have all heard of the dangers of the road, it is still easy to think of driving as an autonomous activity since there is only one person behind the wheel of a car. However, in truth, even the most experienced of drivers can use help on the road every now and then to avoid an accident. Safe driving doesn’t always stop with the driver – passengers can also play a vital role in ensuring a vehicle reaches its destination safely.
Ways That Passengers Can Help Avoid Car Accidents
Wear Your Seatbelt
Shockingly, some people still choose not to buckle up despite the fact that wearing a seatbelt has been proven to reduce the potential for injury in accidents over and over again. You should always wear your seatbelt at all times. Never assume that air bags would protect you in the case of an accident as they are designed to work in conjunction with seatbelts, not instead of them.
Remain Calm and Don’t be a Distraction
The car isn’t the right environment to start an argument or blast loud music. If you are the passenger, your goal should be to avoid any behavior that shifts the driver’s attention from the road to you. Therefore, you should try to keep the environment light and stress free. Keep conversation between yourself and the driver casual, try to minimize your own cell phone conversations that could engage the driver, and make sure the radio is at a low enough volume that the driver can hear horns and sirens.
Assist the Driver With Navigating
While cell phone technology has evolved to make these devices very helpful in reaching a destination, it still creates a dangerous situation when a driver takes their eyes off the highway to look at their cell phone screen for directions and this can possibly cause a car accident. Therefore, as the passenger you should assist with navigation. In addition, help the driver maintain focus on the road by taking charge of their cell phone if he or she needs to send a text.
Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault?
Regardless of the circumstances of your accident, as the car accident attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez with offices in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, we are dedicated to helping those who have been injured in car accidents pursue the compensation that they deserve. We are here to help you obtain the compensation you need to pay for your injury-related expenses such as your medical bills and lost wages as well as to obtain compensation for the pain and suffering you have incurred due to the physical and emotional consequences of your injuries. Contact us today.