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How To Talk To An Insurance Claims Adjuster After A Car Accident


How do you talk to an insurance claims adjuster after a car accident? In short, with an attorney or not at all. However, we’ll go into more detail here to explain why. If you have been in a Florida car accident, you may have noticed that very quickly after the accident you began receiving calls from the liable party’s insurance company. You may think that they are just really on top of things, but in reality, this is a tactic. Insurance claims adjusters may seem like any other helpful customer service representative, but it’s critical to understand that these individuals are not on your side and that they do not exist to help you. Rather, their allegiance is to the company that employs them and their job is to settle your claim for as little money as possible. Now that you understand the basics, let’s get into the nitty gritty with some real tips for talking to an insurance claims adjuster after an accident.

Tips for Talking to an Insurance Claims Adjuster

  • Don’t be fooled, there is no rush. The calls will likely start coming very soon after the accident. However, feel no rush to respond. The insurance claims adjuster is calling so soon after the accident because they are aware that you will have no accurate sense of how much your claim is worth at this point, having not yet had a chance to seek medical attention or get your vehicle appraised. This means that they are the most likely to get you to settle for a low-ball offer the sooner they talk to you. For this reason, you should never feel rushed or pressured to speak with them or to provide them with any information. Claims adjusters will sometimes try to create a false sense of urgency by saying that they will close your claim if you do not respond, however, this is another trick as the claim must remain open for 30 days and can be reopened once it is closed.
  • They are not on your side. As mentioned above, claims adjusters are not on your side. This is why it’s a good idea to have a lawyer handle all communications and negotiations with them on your behalf, because your lawyer actually is on your side.
  • Avoid small talk, stick to the facts. You may think that you are just being polite, but you may be accidentally providing damaging information to the insurance agent. Stick to what is absolutely necessary for them to know. Anything they ask you is essentially a double-edged sword that could be designed to reduce or void your claim.
  • You do not have to release your medical records. Talk to a lawyer before signing or agreeing to anything. Many insurance companies will try to get you to release 5 years of medical records, but this is unnecessary and only a means for them to try and find a previous cause or existence of your injury to prove that the accident didn’t cause it.

Contact the Lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez 

If you have been injured in a Boca Raton car accident it’s important to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side. Contact the car accident lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez today to schedule a consultation and find out how we can help you settle your car accident injury claim as quickly and easily as possible. We serve clients in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, Boynton Beach, and communities throughout Florida.


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