Is It Worth Suing An Uninsured Driver?

Being involved in an automobile accident is always stressful enough, but when the other driver is uninsured, it can be even more difficult to navigate. After the accident, you may be wondering if it’s worth suing the uninsured driver who caused the crash.
There are several things to consider when it comes to determining whether or not you should sue an uninsured driver. If your crash was caused by a driver who does not have auto insurance coverage, you might want to speak with an attorney. Our Boca Raton auto accident lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez can help you understand your legal options when it comes to recovering damages.
What Is Uninsured Motorist Insurance?
First of all, before filing a lawsuit, you need to consider whether or not you can use uninsured motorist coverage (UIM) to cover your losses. In Florida, UIM is optional insurance coverage on your own auto policy that pays for injuries caused by an at-fault driver who does not have insurance. This type of coverage also kicks in if the at-fault driver has insufficient insurance limits, meaning their insurance doesn’t cover all of your losses resulting from the accident. It can also be used when the other driver cannot be found or identified (hit & runs).
When Should You Sue an Uninsured Driver?
If you were injured by an uninsured driver in a car accident, suing may be necessary to recover damages, especially if you do not have UIM coverage. When considering whether or not to sue an uninsured driver after a car accident, factors such as fault and available funds should be taken into consideration. Suing may be worth it if the other party was responsible for your damages and they appear to have sufficient assets (e.g., property or investments) that could potentially cover any costs associated with the lawsuit.
After all, the uninsured driver may not have sufficient assets to cover your damages and losses. One of the reasons why drivers do not purchase auto insurance is high insurance costs. According to the Insurance Information Institute, Florida has one of the highest percentages of uninsured drivers in the country – more than 20%.
How a Lawyer Can Help
Suing an uninsured motorist after a car accident can be complicated and costly – but also potentially rewarding if done correctly. Before making any decisions about filing suit against an uninsured driver, make sure that you understand your legal rights and options so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not taking legal action would be the best course of action in your case. A lawyer can help you take all factors into consideration when deciding whether or not to sue the uninsured driver.
Contact Leifer & Ramirez to Get Legal Counsel
Our skilled and detail-oriented lawyers at Leifer & Ramirez help individuals who have been injured in a car accident caused by an uninsured motorist to understand their legal rights and options. If you are considering suing an uninsured driver, our lawyers can help you determine how to best proceed with your case. Call 561-660-9421 to schedule a free consultation.
We serve clients throughout the state of Florida, including Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Pompano Beach, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach.