More People Unhappy with Their Insurance in Florida Than Anywhere Else in the U.S.

No one likes to pay insurance premiums, especially if you never have to use the policy that you’ve paid on for months, years, or even decades. But recent studies show that Floridians might be more unhappy with their insurance companies than any other state in the U.S. Overall, consumers ranked their insurers a score of 4.27, but Florida consumers ranked their insurers only 4.03.
The survey of insurance consumers also found that there are reasons behind why Florida consumers aren’t as happy with their insurance. Florida consumers reported claim disputes at eight percent, compared to 1.5 percent nationwide. Florida consumers also mentioned hurricanes in 17 percent of their claim complaints.
The insurance rates in Florida are also climbing faster for Florida consumers, making that another reason why consumers in the state weren’t happy. People also tend to misunderstand what their policies cover, which is why the survey concluded by reminding people to review their policies and make sure they are covered.
The Basics of Florida Insurance Policies
Typical homeowners’ and renters’ insurance will cover wind damage, rain damage that results from rain entering through a wind-damaged area, theft, fire, and vandalism. If any of these damages occur, most insurance companies will pay for emergency repairs to protect from further damage. They will also, in most situations, cover the removal of debris, living expenses, and the cash or replacement value of the damaged property.
Flood insurance is not typically part of a homeowners’ policy. It is usually sold separately, but in conjunction with the homeowners’ or renters’ insurance. Flood insurance will cover damage from waves; overflowing rivers, lakes, and creeks; tidal action; and ground water runoff. Flood insurance coverage typically also includes replacement or repair of destroyed or damaged buildings as well as compensation for destroyed or damaged personal property and debris removal.
Cars that are damaged by hurricanes are typically covered by the automobile insurance policy under the comprehensive section.
The Problem with Insurance Companies
While we may like to believe that our insurance company is on our side, that isn’t necessarily the case. These companies still like to pay out as little money as possible, so when a claim occurs, they may not jump at the chance to reimburse you. Here are some of the tactics they may try to use to keep you from getting money for your damages:
- Denial that you even have coverage.
- Denial of the claim because you claim is partially or completely excluded under your policy.
- Deny a portion of your claim.
- Make false or misleading statements to you.
- Refuse to pay you or attempt to force you to settle under other policy coverage.
- Unreasonably delays the adjustment, processing, or payment of claims.
- Tries to undervalue estimates, payments, or offers.
- Requires you to provide written release of any supplement claims as a condition of the payment for your claim.
- The letter or check from your insurance company includes terms like “final” or “full” when you feel like you are not being fully reimbursed.
When to Contact an Attorney
If you encounter any of the above problems, or are having any other type of dispute with your insurance company, it may be time to stop trying to handle the claim on your own and consult with an experienced attorney. The Florida attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez can review your claim and help you get the compensation that you are entitled to. Contact us today for a consultation.