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Premise Liability Protections When Renting FL Properties


According to one report, there are over two million renters in Florida. While this number is high, it also makes sense as renting provides a level of affordability, convenience, and flexibility that are not available through property ownership. While there are benefits to renting, it also comes with potential risks when it comes to personal injuries.

Comprehending the concept of premise liability and understanding when a personal injury claim is possible is essential for renters. Compensation may be in reach after an injury in a Florida rental complex, apartment building, or other rental environment, discuss the details of your situation with a Boca Raton personal injury lawyer.

Possibility of a Personal Injury Claim

A legal concept, premise liability laws hold property owners and managers responsible when they do not take steps to maintain safe conditions on their premises. When it comes to rental complexes, landlords, property managers, and owners have a duty to ensure that they are meeting the responsibilities outlined within lease contracts and to maintain common areas reasonably safe for tenants and visitors.

To pursue a personal injury claim, an injured party must prove that the property owner or manager was negligent, meaning they failed in their duty to maintain a safe environment. The details of this will depend on the situation but could include failing to repair known hazards, neglecting routine maintenance, or failing to put the correct security measures in place. Proof of a clear link between a property owner’s negligence and an injury needs to be established.

Common injuries on rental properties include fall injuries due to poorly maintained walkways, broken locks leading to criminal activity, poorly maintained ventilation systems resulting in toxic mold growth resulting in health issues, and elevators not maintained effectively leading to harm.

Have Your Case Assessed by an Attorney

After experiencing a rental injury due to the negligence of another, seek medical care and consult with a qualified Florida injury attorney. Accessing care from a licensed health provider is essential, both to secure the treatment plan you need to heal and to have documentation that connects your injury to the incident should a claim be filed in the future.

Renters in Florida have the right to a safe environment, and owners have a legal responsibility to keep their properties free of potential hazards for tenants and staff members. There are steps you can take to safeguard your rights as a tenant, and lawyers are available to guide you through the process of recovery. Once you share the facts of your case with a Boca Raton personal injury lawyer, they will assess your situation and determine if a claim is possible. If it is, they will take care of evidence gathering, filing deadlines, and negotiations on your behalf.

What are your rights as a renter? If you believe an injury you sustained in a Florida rental property is due to the negligence of a property owner, don’t hesitate to seek legal support. The attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez will work diligently to protect your rights. Schedule your fee-free consultation today, call 561-660-9421.

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