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How Safe is Driving in Palm Beach County

Palm Beach County is one of the largest counties in the state of Florida. With more than 1,131,000 residents, roads are often congested, which can lead to more car accidents and injuries on the roadways.

If you are wondering just how safe it is to drive on Palm Beach County roadways, consider the information found here.

Palm Beach County Accident and Injury Stats

For 2017, the following stats represent the number of accidents and injuries that have occurred on the roadways in Palm Beach County:

  • Total accidents: 7,567
  • Crashes with injuries: 2,954
  • Crashes with traffic fatalities: 35

Only being five months into the year, those stats are pretty staggering. Also, as the hot summer vacation months get closer, it is only estimated that these numbers are going to go up quite significantly.

Causes of Accidents in Palm Beach County

One of the leading causes of accidents in Palm Beach County is road debris. In fact, this country has more road debris-related accidents than any other county in the state. Between the years of 2012 to 2014, there were more than 450 debris-related accidents, which affected over 750 people, injuring dozens and causing one fatality.

Another cause of accidents on Palm Beach county roads is distracted driving. With more distraactions in vehicles than ever before, drivers are finding it difficult to keep their eyes and mind on the road and what is going on around them. Factors such as interior comfort controls, phones, and even passengers are all sources of distractions that contribute to accidents.

Preventing Palm Beach County Accidents

To reduce the number of accidents that occur on Palm Beach County roadways, drivers need to stay aware of what is going on around them. Even taking their eyes away from the road for a few seconds can lead to serious accidents, along with injuries and fatalities. These issues are only complicated by the large number of commercial trucks on the road. In fact, to date for 2017, there have been 791 commercial vehicle accidents.

Can You Recover Damages?

If you are involved in a car or commercial truck accident on Palm Beach County roadways, you may wonder if you can receive compensation for the damages and injuries you suffered. The answer to this is dependent on the situation. If the accident resulted from someone else’s fault or negligence, then with the help of a Palm Beach County accident attorney, you should be able to recover compensation. However, personal injury and accident law can be complex. You should not attempt to file a lawsuit or seek damages alone. An attorney can be an invaluable partner in this process and help ensure your rights are protected.

If you have been injured in an accident on the roads in Palm Beach County, make sure to contact the personal injury attorneys from Leifer & Ramirez by calling 561-660-9421. They can schedule a free consultation to review the facts of your case and determine whether or not you have grounds for a lawsuit.

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