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Safety Tips for Teen Drivers

Safety Tips for Teen Drivers

Most teens look forward to their 16th birthday, as that is when they can take their driving test and hopefully get their driver’s license. While being able to drive may be a rite of passage, it is not a right. It is a privilege, and it is one that teen drivers should take seriously.

Unfortunately, not all do. Car accidents are the leading cause of death among those between the ages of 15 and 20. Most of the victims are passengers who were not wearing a seat belt.

Driving is an action that requires skill and undivided attention. The roads are always changing. A driver may cut in front of you. An animal may run into the roadway. A child may dart out in front of traffic. If you’re not focused on the road, these incidents can cause serious accidents.

As they begin their first couple years of driving alone on the open road, teens need all the help they can get to arrive at their destination safely. Here are some safety tips for teen drivers.

How to Stay Safe

Stay alive and prevent accidents by following these tips:

  • Always wear your seat belt. Seat belts save lives because they keep you from being ejected from the vehicle if you do crash.

  • Drive a safe vehicle. You don’t need the newest, most expensive or the coolest car, but you should drive a vehicle is safe and reliable. This means that it should be in good working order, well-maintained and have seat belts and airbags.

  • Stay within the speed limit. Speed kills. Going too fast gives you less room to slow down should you need to avoid an accident.

  • Always obey traffic signs and signals. They are not suggestions. They are there for your own safety. If you run a stop sign or red light, you could hit another vehicle and injure or kill yourself or someone else.

  • Use your turn signals. They let other drivers know your intentions and they can prevent rear-end accidents.

  • Turn off your phone. Don’t be distracted by phone calls and texts. Texting is one of the main causes of car accidents among teens.

  • Avoid eating or drinking while driving. This is another common distraction.

  • Avoid teen passengers. Having friends in the car can be distracting.

  • Always stay focused. Look around you and predict the actions of other drivers. Keep both hands on the wheel and drive defensively.

  • Never drink and drive. Not only does alcohol impair your judgment, but it is illegal if you are under the age of 21.

Seek Legal Help Today

Teen drivers are inexperienced and immature, and even with significant practice, they do not necessarily have the skills to drive safely and avoid accidents. Some are easily distracted, while others are extremely nervous.

If you have been involved in a car accident caused by a teen driver, seek legal help. The  South Florida car accident attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez can hold the liable parties responsible. Call our office at 561-660-9421 or fill out the online form to schedule a free consultation.


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