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Tips for Avoiding a Pedestrian Accident

Pedestrian accidents can happen anytime and anywhere in Florida. The majority of people who suffer serious injuries during a pedestrian accident will replay the circumstances of the crash for many years to follow, wondering if they could have done anything to prevent it.

Unfortunately, many pedestrian accidents result from a driver who isn’t paying attention to their surroundings. In these cases, it is usually the pedestrian who pays the price. There is no question that pedestrian accidents are on the rise, and this is a cause of concern for both drivers, and pedestrians. The repercussions of these accidents can haunt everyone involved for years.

If you have been injured by a driver while walking or riding a bike, you need to work with a personal injury attorney who knows how to help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Here you can find several tips that will help avoid a pedestrian accident, to begin with.

Always Pay Attention to Road Signs

While there are many places where pedestrians have the right of way, it is always important to pay attention to surroundings and comply with any road signs present. If the light is about to change green and the “walk” sign indicates this, it is best to wait.

The fact is, there are far too many impatient drivers out there. Trying to beat the light may wind up in you being hit and suffering serious injuries. Don’t break the rules, instead pay attention and you can remain safe.

Wear Bright Colors

This is particularly important if you are walking at night or in the early morning hours. During these times, it isn’t always easy for a driver to see someone who is wearing black. Bolder and brighter colors will help you stand out and may be the only thing a driver sees that keeps them from hitting you.

Use the Sidewalks

While it may seem fine to cut across the street as a shortcut when you have the chance to, but some drivers even hit walkers when they are in the crosswalk. If you have to cross, try to choose a well-lit area and remain in the lines. While this isn’t a foolproof way to avoid being hit, it can help.

What to Do if You’ve been in an Accident

While pedestrians are becoming more common thanks to awareness campaigns and new laws, they still happen too often. If you are ever injured in an accident where a driver wasn’t paying attention or who was driving recklessly, then you need the help of a personal injury attorney. They can gather evidence for the case to help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

An Accident Attorney Can Help

If you have suffered severe or catastrophic injuries in a pedestrian accident, you need a lawyer. These cases are often complex and having someone who understands the law is imperative. If you are ready to schedule a consultation, contact the personal injury attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez by calling 561-660-9421.

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