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Teaching Kids Parking Lot Safety


In the midst of their innocence, children often don’t grasp the potential danger lurking throughout those concrete blocks we all use to park our cars on or in. And even as parents, it is understandable if when you pull into a parking lot or garage, your first thought isn’t to consider any of its potential hazards. But the reality is that these parking storage areas were designed with more focus on cars than on people. That unfortunately means that these concrete blocks can actually be a very dangerous place. The National Safety Council has found that at least 60,000 people are injured and 500 or more die in the 50,000 plus crashes in parking lots and garages every single year.

Understanding and Overcoming the Risks

In 2018, approximately eighteen percent of child motor vehicle crash deaths were pedestrians according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Fortunately, practicing good walking safety is something you and your child can do at any time and in any place. Let’s take a look at some of the best safety tips to help you improve the well-being of your little ones while they are crossing parking lots.

  • Talk to your kids. Have conversations with your children about parking lot safety from when they are very small. Emphasize that they should avoid walking behind cars that are running or seem to be backing up.
  • Stay physically close. Either carry your smallest children or, at minimum, hold their hands any time you are in a parking lot. This applies even if it seems like your vehicle is just a few steps away.
  • Don’t walk while distracted. Even if you’re engaged in a heated debate with a loved one, remind yourself that conversations both in person and on the phone are best reserved for your final destination and not the parking lot.
  • Be a good example. In addition to instructing your kids how to act, practice and display these good habits yourself. Always look both ways before crossing, use crosswalks whenever available and stay on sidewalks when possible.
  • Watch for other people’s children. While we might hope that every parent is equally diligent about looking out for their kids in parking lots, we all know that this may or may not be the case. You should always walk in front of and behind your vehicle before moving it and you should move slowly when entering and exiting the parking lot.

Even the Best Safety Tips Can’t Prevent Every Accident

Ideally, no one will be injured or killed in a Florida parking lot. But if you find yourself in a situation where your child has been seriously injured while walking through a parking lot or garage, then please protect them medically by ensuring he or she receives prompt attention. In addition, you should protect your child legally by reaching out to an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as you can. As the  South Florida pedestrian accident attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez, we believe in fighting for justice against wrongdoing, especially when it comes to the smallest members of the family. We will aggressively pursue the best resolution to even the most complex of personal injury claims. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.


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