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The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media and Your Personal Injury Claim


Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram – these are just a few of the social media applications that most people use. A recent study shows that the percentage of the United States population with some form of social media account in 2017 is 81%. You might be wondering what a simple tweet or a Facebook post could do with a personal injury case. Posting on your social media account can impact your personal injury claim in various ways.

What to Do and What Not to Do on Social Media When Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Ultimately, there are a few things to keep in mind regarding social media if you’re filing a social media claim, including the following:

  • DO change your privacy settings. It is a safe practice in general, but especially when you are going through an injury or court proceeding. Only let your friends, family, and the people you actually know view your profile.

  • DON’T post photographs of the injury. One of the major appeals of social media is being able to connect with family and friends, all at once, regardless of your location. The temptation might be high to post pictures of your car after a major accident, or to post photographs of injuries on your person, but it is imperative to avoid posting these photographs.

  • DO ask others to remain silent regarding your injury. As important as it is for you to not post photographs, it is important for others in your life to do the same. Others pictures or updates posted to social media could be used in your lawsuit. While sometimes this could help you, there is an overwhelming chance that the post could be harmful to your case.

  • DON’T post updates about your condition or claim. Do not post about visits with doctors, your lawyer, or any case updates.

  • DO avoid reading other’s reactions to your case. In the event of a news article or some other public posting about your case, avoid engaging in arguments or discussion over the article.

  • DON’T forget about all of your social media accounts. Your most used accounts will not be an issue for you to remember to change privacy settings or watch for other’s posts, but make sure to do so for all accounts you have acquired over the years.

  • DO know that anything on your social media could be potentially used in your lawsuit. This includes past posts. It can be advantageous to you to be constantly aware of what you post, even without a personal injury claim.

  • DON’T contact other parties to the case via social media. Contact between parties needs to be between lawyers on each side. Do not reach out via social media to anyone involved in the case.

  • DO contact your attorney with any concerns you might have. Your attorney is there to help you and will answer questions you have.

An Attorney Can Help You Today

If you or a loved one wants to pursue a personal injury claim in Boca Raton, the skilled attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez can help. We want to pursue every remedy available to you to give you the best possible outcome. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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