The Effects of Paralysis After a Car Accident

The South Florida Sun Sentinel recently reported that one Florida man considers himself to be lucky after multiple brushes with death, including a serious car accident in 2008 that left him paralyzed. The 28-year-old suffered crippling injuries that left him paralyzed from the waist down. More recently, he nearly died after being struck by lightning earlier this year.
Paralysis is among the most severe of the injuries that can result from a car accident and these types of injuries often have a substantial and long-term affect on a person’s life. Additionally, paralysis often leads to expensive medical bills. The good news is that there may be legal remedies to assist with recovering financially, including a personal injury lawsuit.
What is the Effect of Paralysis after a Car Accident?
Car accidents can cause paralysis in several different ways. Paralysis is a medical condition in which a person involuntarily loses muscle function in part of his or her body. While some people are able to regain some or all of their ability to move after an accident causes paralysis, others suffer permanent damage. Depending upon the cause, paralysis may affect a specific muscle group or region of the body, or a larger area may be involved. This condition may also be known as hemiplegia, palsy, paraplegia, or quadriplegia depending on the areas that are affected.
How Common is Paralysis?
According to data unveiled by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation in 2013, there are nearly 1 in 50 people living with paralysis which equates to approximately 5.4 million people. The research also revealed that the second leading cause of paralysis is spinal cord injury. And the bulk of the people who are living in this country with a spinal cord injury obtained this injury in a car accident. This number may in fact be even higher as the cause of paralysis could not be determined for 26 percent of the 1.4 million persons who reported a spinal cord injury due to missing, unintelligible, or incomplete data.
Why Pursue a Personal Injury Lawsuit After a Car Accident That Causes Paralysis?
Treatments required for paralysis can include a number of different techniques and equipment as well as the help of everyone from physical therapists to counselors. While necessary, this process can be extremely costly and may involve a lifetime of commitment. Because of these significant costs, many people who were paralyzed as the result of a car accident choose to seek compensation that can help offset the costs associated with medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. While financial compensation cannot undo an accident that has led to paralysis, it can help ease the financial burden from the resulting injuries. Additionally, it is usually beneficial to obtain the help of a qualified personal injury attorney who understands the evidence required to successfully demonstrate the full extent of the injuries incurred.
Allow Us to Get Started on Your Florida Car Accident Case Today.
A car accident injury resulting in paralysis has life-changing implications not only for the person it affects but also for friends and family members who often end up offering their assistance. And while the main concern should always be getting needed medical treatment and rehabilitation, there are other options to explore as well. If you or someone you love has become paralyzed as the result of a Florida auto accident, it is imperative that you are aware of your legal rights. As the South Florida car accident attorneys of Leifer & Ramirez, we offer the professional legal representation you deserve at a time when you need it most. We have decades of combined experience helping people in similar circumstances receive compensation for their injuries and losses. Contact us today for a free consultation regarding your case.