The Risks of the Road for Rollerbladers

The South Florida Sun Sentinel has reported that a rollerblader has been tragically killed in a recent weekday collision with a car while skating along a popular recreation path in Pompano Beach. The impact of the horrific car crash was so devastating that the female victim was unrecognizable to the point that authorities were unable to even estimate her age. The force of the impact also split the vehicle in half and ejected the driver and passenger who were both critically injured and had to be hospitalized. The male driver was reportedly speeding when he lost control of the car and hit a tree sideways, beginning the chain of events that led to the rollerblader losing her life.
Understanding the Risks.
Rollerblading can be a fun and healthy way to get outdoor exercise and this is an activity that many people participate in, especially with the year-round beautiful weather here in the Sunshine State. Almost 12 million Americans ages six and over participated in rollerblading in 2017. However, the popularity of rollerblading does not eliminate the possibility of incurring a related injury and there are numerous factors to consider before even picking out a pair of skates, such as how to stay visible at night and a plan for emergencies. And in addition to having to consider ways to avoid scraped limbs from falling down, rollerbladers also have to consider the fact that encountering the wrong careless driver can lead to tragic outcomes like the one outlined above.
When they encounter a vehicle, rollerbladers are in a particularly large amount of danger because much like a pedestrian who is walking, being faced with the impact of a car with very little buffer can equate to serious injury. Rollerbladers who are hit by negligent or reckless drivers can be faced with everything from broken bones to paralysis to even death.
Understanding Liability.
Unfortunately, the mere fact that a rollerblading accident has happened does not always mean that a lawsuit will be successful nor that it is worth it to pursue one in the first place. However, there are many circumstances in which a rollerblader has been the unfortunate victim of someone else’s negligent behavior and has suffered injuries as a result. In those circumstances, monetary compensation may be warranted that can help ease medical expenses and the burden of physical, emotional and mental injuries that have been sustained in the form of damages for pain and suffering. The best way to find out about the legal options that apply in your individual case is to reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible.
Turn to Us For Help.
If you were recently injured in a rollerblading accident caused by a negligent driver, you may be entitled to pursue a personal injury claim that could lead to financial compensation. However, it is imperative that you contact an attorney early on to ensure the best possible outcome. As the pedestrian accident attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez with offices in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, we believe in the importance of keeping our roads safe for everyone, and we are dedicated to helping the victims of others’ negligence when the rules of the road are broken. To learn more about how Florida law pertains to your individual case, contact us today so that we can begin helping you understand your options and take steps to secure your future.