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West Palm Beach Birth Injury Lawyer

In the 21st century, childbirth is incredibly safe. Nevertheless, mistakes can and do still occur. When a doctor or other medical professional makes a medical error, the results can be devastating—nerve and brain damage or even death.

At Leifer & Ramirez, our West Palm Beach birth injury lawyers advocate for new parents when a medical professional commits malpractice during labor or delivery. To find out more about how we can help you, please contact us today.

Examples of Medical Malpractice

Both mother and child can be injured during labor and delivery. Although few injuries are fatal, many of our clients suffer lifelong problems because of common errors. Many of them are injured because of malpractice, such as:

  • Failing to order a C-section in a timely manner when either mother or child is in distress
  • Failing to diagnose an infection
  • Failing to be sufficiently careful during delivery
  • Failing to test a baby’s reflexes, heart rate, and breathing after delivery
  • Failing to administer sufficient anesthesia, or administering too much
  • Failing to prescribe safe medications
  • Failing to confirm a woman is pregnant before administering or prescribing treatment that injures the fetus or mother

In Florida, doctors and other medical professionals must use the same skill and care that other professionals in their field would use in the same circumstances. If they don’t, and their actions (or inactions) cause injury, you might be able to sue.

Common Birth Injuries to Babies

Babies can suffer a variety of problems because of medical malpractice, such as:

  • Impaired vision or skull fractures if forceps are used incorrectly
  • Brain injuries if the baby is denied oxygen for too long
  • Nerve injuries if the doctor handles the baby too roughly during delivery by, for example, stretching the baby’s shoulder
  • Medical problems if the baby is born too soon
  • Breathing problems
  • Fluid in the brain
  • Shock

Of course, not every birth defect is the result of medical malpractice. Some deliveries are simply rough because they present numerous complications—the baby’s size, position in the birth canal, etc. Before knowing if you have a legal case, an attorney and medical expert should review your medical records and listen to your own testimony.

Talk to a Birth Injury Lawyer in West Palm Beach

If you notice that your newborn is suffering from an injury or developmental delays, then medical malpractice might be to blame. The only way to know for sure is to meet with an experienced birth injury lawyer in West Palm Beach.

At Leifer & Ramirez, we understand the stress parents feel when they suspect something went wrong during delivery. You will always be treated in a sympathetic and respectful manner as we discuss your child’s injuries or disabilities. There is no reason to delay consulting with an attorney to see if you have a valid legal claim against your doctor or another member of the delivery team.

We are pleased to offer a free, no-obligation initial consultation to all potential clients. To schedule yours, please reach out to us today by calling 561-660-9421.

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