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West Palm Beach Rollover Car Accident Lawyer

Many vehicles are at risk of rolling onto their sides or onto the roof after a collision. Rollovers have many causes, but the result is usually the same—serious injuries for the occupants who are suddenly thrown upside down as their vehicle upends without any warning. Although rollover accidents seem to be declining, they are still far too many happening on Florida’s roads.

At Leifer & Ramirez, our West Palm Beach rollover car accident lawyers represent motorists injured in rollovers. Whether a defective automobile or another driver is to blame, we can help you obtain the compensation that you need.

Causes of Rollover Accidents

There are typically two types of rollover accidents:

  • Tripped rollovers. The vehicle collides with something else, causing it to roll. The other object might be another vehicle or a stationary object. Many rollovers happen when a vehicle is T-boned by another vehicle or when it is rear-ended.

  • Untripped rollovers. The vehicle loses control, perhaps because the driver tries to take a corner while going downhill or while travelling too fast. Untripped rollovers can also occur when driving in inclement weather.

Vehicles with a higher center of gravity are more prone to rollovers. For example, SUVs sit higher and therefore are at a greater risk. Many SUVs have installed a roll bar to keep occupants from getting crushed inside the vehicle. If an SUV is missing a roll bar—or if the bar fails—then the manufacturer might be responsible for any injuries suffered in the crash.

Typical Injuries in Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents can cause devastating injuries. This is definitely true if the driver or passengers are not wearing seatbelts at the time of the rollover. Common injuries sustained in this kind of crash include:

  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations and cuts, especially to the face or hands
  • Back injuries
  • Crushed limbs
  • Spinal cord injury, including paralysis
  • Traumatic brain injury, including concussion
  • Head or face injuries, including jaw and skull fractures

Unfortunately, many innocent occupants also die in rollover collisions, leaving behind family members to pick up the pieces and carry on without them.

Call Leifer & Ramirez Now

If you have been involved in a rollover, you might be entitled to compensation. At Leifer & Ramirez, many of our clients are in desperate need of compensation to pay for medical bills, replace lost wages, and fix their damaged vehicle. They also have intangible injuries, such as dramatic changes to their marriage, pain and suffering, or severe emotional distress.

You are not alone. At Leifer & Ramirez, our West Palm Beach rollover accident lawyers have helped many injured motorists just like you get the compensation they need to support themselves and their families. We have handled all types of rollover claims, including wrongful death lawsuits and negligent lawsuits for money damages.

Contact us today to discuss your case. We can identify your options and will gladly represent you in the settlement negotiations process or in a lawsuit. You can reach us in West Palm Beach by calling 561-660-9421 or submitting an online message. All initial case evaluations are free.

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