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What is the Floridas Crimes Compensation Act?


If you have been injured in an accident, the last thing you want to worry about is paying for treatments, doctors’ visits, or other accident related expenses. You have contacted an attorney, are in the throes of litigation, but still need assistance to be able to pay these added expenses. What options are available to you? One option is the Florida Crimes Compensation Act.

The Florida Crimes Compensation Act was set up as a means of providing financial assistance for victims of certain crimes. You may still recover other damages and expenses, but this act can help ease the burden of dealing with your injury and expenses.

Who Qualifies?

The Crimes Compensation Act provides financial assistance to eligible persons who are victims of personal injury, including hit and run accidents and DUIs. The victim must:

  • suffer personal physical injury or death;
  • report the crime to law enforcement within 72 hours of the crime occurring;
  • Complete an application within one year of the crime date. There are certain circumstances that will warrant an extension of the application deadline to two years, but only if good cause is shown;
  • Cooperate with law enforcement;
  • Not have been engaged on involved in an unlawful activity;
  • Not have contributed to the crime; and
  • Not have a felony conviction on their record.

Additionally, a victim that is over the age of 60 can received a property loss reimbursement because of suffering a loss of tangible personal property. Domestic violence victims can receive financial help to relocate.

Those that are the victim of the crime are welcome to submit an application for compensation. Parents or guardians can apply on behalf of a minor child or incompetent victim that has been injured. There is also the possibility of receiving compensation for a minor victim, under the age of 16, that was not physically injured in the crime, but was at the scene of a crime and suffered psychological injuries. The victim must have seen or heard the crime. Relatives of deceased victims may also apply.

What Benefits Are Available?

There are ten benefits available through this compensation act:

  1. Wage loss
  2. Loss of support for individuals dependent on the victim
  3. Disability for victims who are permanently disabled
  4. Funeral/burial expenses
  5. Treatment expenses
  6. Mental health and grief counseling
  7. Property loss reimbursement
  8. Domestic violence relocation assistance
  9. Sexual battery relocation assistance
  10. Human trafficking relocation

Compensation available depends on the crime. Hiring an experienced attorney can help you navigate the Crimes Compensation Act and any additional damages you might be entitled to.

Contact an Attorney Today

If you or a loved one have been injured because of a crime, the Boca Raton attorneys at Leifer & Ramirez is here to help you receive the compensation that you are entitled to. Having an experienced attorney can make sure you meet all deadlines, maximize your damages, and do not miss any additional compensation that you deserve. We want to make your recovery time as easy as possible, so contact us early to take the stress off you.


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